Party Foul! Warning Signs Your Party Is About To Be a Disaster

Look out for these warning signs -> dodge them -> then host a swanky soiree

By: Jessi Minneci

Parties are fun, man! We all love getting dolled up and dapper for a much needed get together, celebration, or soiree – and when we gather friends, family, and coworkers together to eat, drink, and mingle, it’s generally easy to have a good time. But sometimes… it’s not.

Sorry, we’re not trying to scare you… but we are trying to be honest. Unfortunately, things can go very, very wrong. No matter the who, what, when, where, and why you are planning for your party, there are some potential disasters you may want to prepare for.

Before the food starts cooking and the drinks get pouring, here’s is what you should consider:

When guests decide to be no-shows

When you send out 50 invites, get 35 RSVPs, yet only eight guests show up… it can feel like a punch to the gut. There’s only one thing worse than the paid-for entertainment not showing up, and that’s your guests standing you up day-of.

A large room with a small amount of guests is intimidating. HOWEVER, this could really be your chance to step into the spotlight as an amazing host! Plan a few games or activities that would work whether you end up with a big or small crowd. Even if attendees don’t know each other, you can soon have them all mingling.

Let’s look on the bright side – fewer guests mean more snacks and drinks to pass around to the people who do attend!

But, to avoid this situation in the first place, consider checking in on your guests in the days leading up to the event: Create a Facebook event page where you can mass-reach out to attendees to keep the event top of mind. Depending on the type of event you’re hosting (like a charity or fundraiser), you may even want to consider ticketing it. After all, you can’t deny that people will have more motivation to attend because of the the financial ‘investment’ they have made in your party.

Dealing with the rain on your parade

Hosting a backyard barbeque? If you’re planning an outdoor party, it’s imperative to devise a wet-weather plan. No one wants to be chowing down on a burger on your lawn when, all of a sudden, it starts down pouring.

Wherever possible, it’s best to have a backup (indoor) location. If that doesn’t seem possible or within your budget constraints, it would be a good idea to at least enlist some waterproof overhangs and decorations.

  • Ensure there are waterproof coverings for any electrical equipment (such as a DJ booth)

  • Consider tenting your party

    • Tents can also be equipped with AC / heat so that guests will be comfortable no matter the outdoor conditions

  • When choosing décor, go for weather-proof options like wipe-down plastic seating

    • Avoid cushions that will soak up the rain

    • Avoid anything that could be easily blown away, like paper banners and streamers

Remember to check the weather report on the days leading up to your event, and make appropriate accommodations before disaster (or lightning) strikes.

This is not a Vince Vaughn movie; you don’t need wedding crashers

On the plus side, you should be honored that your guests are so excited about your party that they’re hyping it up. On the opposite side, this means word of your party might leak beyond your strict guest list. Whether it’s suddenly having to entertain people’s friends and family, or having strangers turn up on your doorsteps, party crashers are a total buzzkill.

Remind your guests when an event is invite-only, and encourage them to ask if they want to bring along anyone new. Also, if inviting people over social media (via the Facebook event that we mentioned above), set the page to private to avoid uninvited acquaintances getting the wrong idea.

Forgoing food faux pas

When it comes to the food selection at your party, have you planned for a big enough selection? Do you know the food allergies and diet restrictions of your guests? Do you trust your oven to handle cooking portions for 50 people?

Despite our best planning, the menu may fall short in pleasing every singly attendee. To avoid guests going hungry or battling a nasty allergic reaction to the peanut-filled dessert table, make sure you include a request for this information on your invites. If you plan on serving food and drink, it’s your responsibility to make sure the fare suits the crowd.

To further take the burden off your hands, enlist the expertise of a caterer. We offer customizable menu options and you will be able to create a menu that satisfies the needs and wants of everyone on your list. Even more, the food definitely won’t end up burnt. Whereas it may if you were to attempt to keep watch of the 10 different things you’ve stuffed in the oven at once!

When it comes down to it, each of these potential party disasters is common, but keep in mind that they don’t need to be when it comes to your upcoming bash. Being aware of the potential party fouls that can transform from innocent slip-up to epic disaster gives you an opportunity to put in place measures to make sure that they either don’t go wrong, or if they do, that they don’t negatively impact the experience of you and your attendees!

Remember, the dictionary definition for party is “a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment.” Synonyms include celebration and festivity. Do those words seem to have negative connotations to you? We think not!

Sit back, relax, take a few deep breaths, and plan away, you party animal! You now can strategize accordingly, prepared with your fool-proof, party disaster prevention plan.


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