You Need a Corporate Caterer. Here’s why.

By: Elesha Piper


Want to pull off a successful event? Get the catering right. The perfect catering selection will have guests raving about the food, but get it wrong and they’ll be underwhelmed, disappointed and you’ll likely have complaints headed your way. As the event planner, you’ve poured hours and hours of work into creating a great experience, do you really want to leave catering up to chance trying to do it yourself? 

Hiring a professional caterer takes the stress out of menu planning, saves precious event planning time and helps you create the right first impression!

Here are SIX reasons why you shouldn’t DIY and instead hire professionals to cater your event:

1. Save time

It’s no secret that event planning can be super stressful. As the event planner, a key to managing your time effectively is to outsource as many tasks to professionals as possible, rather trying to do everything yourself.

Hiring professionals not only saves time, it lifts the overall standard of the event. Catering is no exception. You don’t want to be running around with shopping lists buying up groceries to put on a lunch for your guests. Hiring a professional caterer to take care of this important part of the event means you can let them do the work while you focus on other aspects of the day.

After briefing us on the type of event, number of people to expect and special requests you can sit back and relax as we design a menu that will take care of your needs.

2. Create the right corporate impression

When hosting a corporate event, all aspects need to reflect the brands professional image and message, including the food. The perfect catering selection and presentation can create an amazing first impression for your guests and your boss! On the other hand, get it wrong and it will leave people feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. As the event planner, you’ve put in a lot of hard work leading up to the day, you don’t want to be let down by unimpressive, DIY catering options. Researching and hiring the right professional caterer takes the stress out of the crucial first impressions moment! We know how important this is and we offer the perfect selection of Executive Lunch Boxes  to impress guests at your next meeting. 

3. Keep up with food trends and variety

You don’t want guests to be bored by lack of catering options. A delicious variety of on trend catering is a sure way to impress your guests.

When hosting a large group for corporate or social events, hiring professional caterers is definitely the best way to go for advice on the most current foods trends and incorporating variety into the menu, especially for large groups. Self-catering multiple food options for large numbers can end up costly and as we pointed out above, the  effort it takes for a non-professional to coordinate a single menu is time consuming enough, let alone a variety of choices.  We’re mindful of new food trends which means our menu stays exciting and relevant. Our menu offers Global Sensations and Unique Dining Experiences to tailor the culinary experiences for your guests.

4. Make healthy catering easy, not boring  

Gone are the days when mini meat pies and deep fried spring rolls can be the only option on finger food menus. Healthy eating is a priority for many guests and as the event planner, it’s your job to cater for the health priorities of your guests and make sure the menu reflects this. Fresh food and foods low in unhealthy saturated and trans fats, salt and sugar should be an option included on every menu. This doesn’t mean health conscious guests will be limited to the boring lettuce / tomato combo salad! We know how to make healthy foods delicious with our enticing range of salads including Vegan Delight, Sautéed Salmon and Grilled Steak.

5. Simplify outdoor events and picnics

When the warm weather rolls around, Pig roasts, BBQ's and Picnics are a great way to celebrate any summer event in Minnesota. Outdoor events are fantastic but they do bring a new set of challenges for event planners, such as limited onsite catering facilities and weather. As a planner, you can’t take for granted access to things like power, water and extra equipment when dealing with the great outdoors. There’s not much you can do about an unexpected storm but you can minimize catering hassles on the day by hiring professional caterers to make sure you have all bases covered. For outdoor events we can set up and provide the buffet tables for you. Our deluxe lunch boxes are also ideal for picnics, with the meal all wrapped in one easy to-go box. Keep it simple and stress free for your next picnic!

6. Cover all dietary requirements with personalized menus

With an increase of new diets and food allergies on the rise, never have dietary requirements been more important or more in demand than they are today. Special meal requests are now commonplace and as the event planner, you must be able to offer guests catering to suit different requirements, even for the most low key meetings or social events.

Rigid and inflexible menus are out, personalized tailored menus are in! Complying with the dietary restrictions of everyone is easier when a professional company is handling the catering. You simply need to communicate to your caterer the dietary requirements of your guests in advance and on the day food can be labeled or set apart for ease of identifying.

Trying to navigate specific, sometimes complicated dietary requirements with DIY catering can be disastrous, you never want to have a guest go hungry because you haven’t catered properly. Or worse, need to deal with a guest with a severe allergic reaction because you got the ingredients wrong.  We’re here to create the right menu for your event and that means diet specific meals will be inventive and enjoyable, not just a few slices of lettuce!


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